Celebrating 30 Years of Service

Summer Camps
Registration for 2020 Summer Camps
Does your camper need gear? Check out our store!
A message from Ricardo

Hawk Circle's Response to
Due to the NYS Department of Health's pandemic protocol,
Hawk Circle programs for
2020 have been cancelled.
Despite our cancellations, we have new and exciting things happening here
that will be unveiled in 2021.
Stay well, connect with nature and stay tuned!
Hawk Circle Adventure Camp
Ages 10-13, co-ed
June 28-July 4, 2020
Tuition: $1,200

During the Hawk Circle Adventure Camp, we will be building on basic survival skills that involve fire-making without matches, building debris shelters, making coal-burned bowls and spoons, tracking, stone tools, wild food, cooking and more.
We will also play games that teach awareness, cooperative leadership, creativity, communication and problem solving, often following a theme of wilderness education or nature study.
The skills lay the foundation for establishing a deep connection to nature and a sense of safety that nature will provide for them.
Some activities are divided by age and interest for age-appropriateness and skill level.
East Wind Rite of Passage
The Path of Awakening
Ages 12-14, co-ed
July 5 - 11, 2020
Tuition: $1,200

East Wind is an experience that provides a Rite of Passage for campers who are transitioning from "child" to "young adult". Our journey follows the ancient ways of our ancestors, who spent their entire lives close to the earth. We make tools with our hands, and things we find in the forest. We learn to cook and eat by a campfire we have made using primitive methods. We learn to move silently through the woods, and hone our perceptions with awareness games and exploration, where we begin to open our senses more fully.
These skills awaken us to the beauty of the natural world, and come to a deeper understanding of how we choose how we will walk through this life. The balance between responsibility and entitlement
Throughout this camp time is set aside for personal reflection and we begin to prepare for our solo experience. The solo often becomes our Rite of Passage, as it is the looking within that is often one of the most challenging undertakings a person can do in life. It is here that many answers to our own personal questions may come, and often an unusual clarity to our lives is experienced.
Wolverine Survival
The Gift of Purpose
Age 13-17, co-ed
July 12 -18, 2020
Tuition: $1,200

This experience offers students a doorway into a unique, powerful mindset of the wolverine. It's an animal with an intensity, a fierceness that is available to them in their times of need, to take on an entire wolfpack or fight off a grizzly bear over a scavenged food source.
In this camp, we will use the principles of wilderness survival and nature philosophy to thrust us into this mindset, where we can demonstrate the ability to do far more than we could imagine. We will build shelters in minutes rather than hours, make fire without the endless 'learning failures' and understand the language of the natural world personally and deeply.
Campers will learn several different methods of active and dynamic meditation, for enhancing our focus and our perception. We will seek to connect with the primal, natural part of ourselves that can 'take action' without the limitations of hesitation and indecision. We will also open up to our own creativity and working in cooperation with the natural materials, to make things that go beyond a 'useful craft' and into true expressive art.
This course is an intense study of skills, crafts, trees, plants, and nature, and students should come prepared for something magical and transformative. We will work physically hard at times, and also have time to relax and be social too, to offer a balance to our full days.

Hawk Circle Leadership Program
Ages 15-18, co-ed
Tuition: $500/week
This program gives students the chance to learn and work with Hawk Circle staff 'behind the scenes', to help with activities, games, camper supervision, in a CIT role. We focus on work skills and ethics, community service projects and how to be part of a team. Participants stay in cabins or tents, work in the kitchen or with the camp staff, and have time to learn some nature and wilderness skills too. It's a great transition from being a 'camper' to working as a full camp counselor, with all of the great benefits of our supportive environment of youth development.
Please Note: We only take 4 participants each week.
Week One: June 28-July 4, 2020 Hawk Circle Adventure Camp
Week Two: July 5-11, 2020 East Wind Rite of Passage Camp
Week Three: July 12-18, 2020 Wolverine Survival Camp
Hawk Circle meals are made in our farmhouse kitchen using the freshest of ingredients. While they are kid friendly, they are also healthy with fruit and vegetables offered at every meal.
Favorite meals include our Breakfast Sundae, warm peaches, yogurt with granola on top, creamy Macaroni n'cheese with cooked carrots and collard greens and Taco Tuesday with a variety of fresh peppers, onions and cilantro.
We are well-versed in gluten-free menus as well as a variety of other food sensitivities and allergies. Unfortunately, we do not accommodate vegan or macrobiotic diets. However, we are happy to send you a copy of our menu so you can provide your child with appropriate meal substitutes. There is an additional fee for gluten-free diets.
If your child has a severe nut allergy, please notify us well in advance so that we can eliminate cross-contamination and be fully aware of your child's needs.