About Us

Co-founder and director of the Earth Mentoring Institute and founder of Hawk Circle Summer Camps, Ricardo has led workshops, camps, school programs and adult trainings for over 30 years. He specializes in teaching and facilitating transformative programs using the skills and philosophy of wilderness to awaken our senses and our connection to the Earth. He is also the creator of The Forest Box for Kids, a monthly subscription box offering nature skills and crafts delivered to your door.
A member of the Tracking Project's Community Mentoring Program in New Mexico, Rick is also an artist, writer, craftsperson and timber framer. He and Trista live at Hawk Circle with their son, Javier. For more information on Ricardo's work, visit his website at www.RicardojSierra.com.
"The skills of survival, awareness and community lead a person ultimately to hearing the inner voice of the heart, of our own personal truth. This knowing of self is the root of real leadership, healing and our path in today's world."

Co-founder and director of the Earth Mentoring Institute, Trista has spent the past 28 years studying initiation and ancient rites of passage. She specializes in working with groups and individuals supporting them to develop inner awareness and a whole human experience. She is the creator of Sacred Oil Alchemy, a certification program, and Grail Alchemy. She offers both residential retreats at Hawk Circle and online programs. Trista is also the founder of Sacred Mountain Tours where she guides people to sacred sites throughout the world.
Trista is a certified aromatherapist. Her work with essential oils, shamanism and energy medicine provides her clients and students with a profound healing experience. She is also a mother of three, avid gardener, knitter and enjoys tending to her animals. For more information on Trista's healing work, visit her website at www.tristahaggerty.com.
"The path of inner alchemy leads a person to experience their whole, Divine humanness. This union of Self and aligning ourselves with abundance and inner peace is the path to creating a new experience here on Earth."