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The Forest Box for Kids Media Page


Welcome to our media page, where you can find video instructions for our crafts, as well as introductions to our nature journals, and even some audio stories to get you inspired and excited to learn!   Enjoy, and please send us your questions, or pictures of your finished crafts, journal drawings and more!    -Ricardo

Welcome Video!


Ricardo shares a short video about the Forest Box for Kids and how to get the most out of it, and why it's important!    


It's a great introduction to learning more about this carefully assembled collection of crafts and skills and activities!    Enjoy!   

Paracord Bracelet Instructions


Hawk Circle Instructor Grant DeNies demonstrates the way to weave and knot your paracord into a cool bracelet that will give you some very strong and durable rope/string if you were ever in a survival situation and needed to use it!    

Wet Felting



Hawk Circle Instructor Emma DuBois shows how to felt wool into a simple bracelet, which is a super easy way to begin learning about felting with natural wool.    And, you will get very clean hands as you do it, and you should have enough wool to make more than one!

Pollinator Gardening Instructions


Hawk Circle Director Ricardo Sierra demonstrates how to plant your seeds and get them started so you can grow flowers that butterflies, moths, bees and other pollinators depend on for food throughout the growing season.    We also provided some bush bean seeds for food for YOU and your family, too!

Tree Journal Instructions


Ricardo shares some of the reasons he loves trees, and why it's so important to learn to identify them in the nature around us!


Bird Journal Instructions


Ricardo describes some of his own struggles to learn about birds because he's color-blind, and how he began learning about birds and why they are so cool!


Tracking Journal Instructions


Ricardo shares some stories about the animals around Hawk Circle, and what he's been finding on his dirt driveway on his morning walks.   He also talks about how tracking helps us to connect to the nature around us all of the time, that is usually unseen.   


He also shares how trackers are like detectives, who use observation and logic and deep knowledge of animals to figure out what is going on even when we aren't around, and solve nature mysteries!

Stone Knife Instructions


Ricardo shows how to 'haft' or attach a handle to a stone 'flake', to hold it tightly so you can use it for a stone knife or simple saw, if you needed one out in the forest.    We use willow, some sinew and stone from our Cherry Valley chert found here at Hawk Circle.

Wooden Pendant Instructions


Ricardo demonstrates how to use sandpaper and oil to polish and smooth some of the wood disks in your Forest Box to make pendants, keychains or decorations.    We cut these from branches of trees here at  Hawk Circle from oaks, maples, apple trees, elm, beech and other hardwoods.

Foxwalking and Movement Skills


This is a great quick video that shows you how to move in the forest and let your feet 'see the ground' in front of you, so you don't have to constantly look down as you walk.    This helps you see more animals, and birds, and notice things, while also moving safely and staying connected to the earth.

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The Earth Mentoring Institute is a 501C3, not-for-profit organization.

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