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The Burden Basket 
with Sandra Kehoe and Trista Haggerty


The Burden Basket
August 21-24, 2024

Often when we take a craft class, every minute of your time is spent learning the craft with little time for else. Our Burden Basket retreat offers you time for contemplation, forest bathing, and sharing wonderful meals with other participants.


Our lives easily get busy, and finding time to lean into what weights heavy on our hearts falls by the wayside. And over time, our joy lessens, our energy levels drop, and before we know it, our life lacks the luster we once had.


Imagine spending time in Hawk Circle's forests, wandering our trails, filling up your water bottle each morning at our sacred spring, and listening to birds singing and coyotes howling in the distance.


And with each day spent here, your heart feels lighter and lighter, and joy returns. And your whole experience is woven into a beautiful basket!




The metaphor of a burden basket is based on actual baskets made by Native Americans.  These baskets would be worn across their shoulders allowing their hands free to work and gather food.  At the end of the day the basket was left at the entranceway of their dwellings.  This was to symbolize that all who entered the dwelling were expected to leave their troubles and burdens in the basket, thus "Leaving your worries at the door."


As we all move through our journey in life we easily collect burdens, and learning how to set them down, helps us to restore harmony and bring inner peace.  


To many, basketry is a source of meditation and relaxation. Working with your hands in a group, you will be supported and guided through the process of weaving all while releasing any burdens you hold.  In this class we will work with locally grown willow to create your very own burden basket using traditional techniques.  No experience is required and all materials and tools will be provided for the class. 

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Thursday, August 21st

Arrive any time after 4:00 for residential students only. Dinner optional.


Friday, August 22nd

8:00am Breakfast

9:00am Meet in Eagle House

Morning with Trista

11:00pm Basket Making with Sandra

1:00pm Lunch

5:30pm Siesta

6:30pm Dinner


Saturday, August 23rd

8:00am Breakfast

9:00 Meet in Eagle House

Morning with Trista

11:00pm Basket Making with Sandra

1:00pm Lunch

5:30pm Siesta

6:30 Dinner


Sunday, August 24th

8:00am Breakfast

9:00am Basket Making Completion

12:00pm Closing Circle


Residential Registration



3-night stay in Cabin

single occupancy

Only 5 spaces available


All meals with food allergy and sensitivity accommodation




Fee: $975 with payment plan

Materials fee: $50 to be paid directly to Sandra on first day of class.

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Commuter Registration



All meals with food allergy and sensitivity accommodation




Fee: $675 with payment plan

Materials fee: $50 to be paid directly to Sandra on first day of class.

Your Facilitators
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About Sandra Kehoe

Sandra studies traditional willow basket making from teachers around the US, Denmark and the UK. She has a strong focus in rib style willow basketry and weaving with bark.  She teaches basketry classes and workshops in multiple mediums, at craft and art schools around the Northeast. Sandra grows and harvests willow on her farm in the Mohawk Valley of NY and is a member of the national Basketry Organization.

About Trista Haggerty

Co-founder of Hawk Circle and the Earth Mentoring Institute, Trista has spent over 30 years mentoring women and guiding them through experiences that awaken their feminine nature.


She is the founder of  Sacred Mountain Tours where she guides people to ancient sites throughout the UK, Ireland, France and Egypt. 


Trista, Ricardo and their son, Javier live at Hawk Circle year round.

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The Earth Mentoring Institute is a 501C3, not-for-profit organization.

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