The Celtic Wheel of the Year
Seasonal Women's Gatherings, 2025
Women's Seasonal Gatherings
We offer Women's Gatherings that follow the Nature Year as they pertain to the Celtic Traditions. There are 8 seasonal celebrations per this tradition and we try to offer as many as possible throughout the year.
Gatherings most often begin in opening our circle with time to share, and involve a craft(s) and celebratory potluck. Our focus varies depending on the season we are celebrating but include traditional crafts that are rooted in women's traditions. (Samhain, Winter Solstice, Imbolc, Spring Equinox, Beltane, Summer Solstice, Lughnasa, Fall Equinox)
Some gatherings are for only a couple of hours and others are several hours depending on the craft we are offering and the time of year.
Aligning your inner journey with nature's journey through the seasons is a powerful way to heal and transform. We welcome you into our growing community of women.
Upcoming Gathering:
Stirring the Cauldron with Brighid
Saturday, February 1st, 2025
Potluck Lunch. Ceremony, Self-care Ritual Candle-Making, Traditional Brighid Crosses.
This page is regularly updated announcing our next Gathering.